Calla Lilies
I can't believe it's been so long since I posted anything. I've been out here reading and drooling over everyone's blog. But not really anything of importance to post on mine. I been busy getting the yard fixed up this Spring. I swear there is never enough hours in the day.
We've got our vegetable garden planted. Yeah! :) So far the squirrels or birds have feasted on almost every piece of corn that has come up. They pull out the small green stalk and eat off the corn on the bottom and leave the stalk laying in the dirt. We are trying using a garden mat of sorts to tent over them hoping they'll leave our garden alone. Usually after things get a fairly good start they will leave things alone.
The flowers are for the most part all planted. I'm saying for the most part as it never fails I go to the store for something and come home with more flowers. ;) I'm loving the Calla Lilies that I picked up at WalMart this year. With all the rain we've been having (so far it's rained for 6 days straight!) every this is doing great! Including the grass. I swear we mow it and the next day it looks like we never touched it.
I will try to post on a more regular basis...but I'm not guaranteeing anything. I love being outside when it's nice out so a lot of my time will be spent away from the computer. At night when I'm in I'm usually worn out.
I hope your all having a wonderful Spring!